Tuesday, November 24, 2009

im a female sherlock holmes.

Huh...pencil just fell off study table...weird.

My deduction: the fan blew it off. Brilliant:)

Went to Mystery Google. Its quite annoying and fun at the same time. It never gives me the result I want. So I just randomly typed letters and it said, 'please don't type gibberish.' So, I typed 'gibberish' and it said, 'Well, aren't you clever.'

Then I typed 'Hello' and it said 'Hi.'

Then I typed 'Google' and it said 'No. Mystery Google'

I also tried typing 'What is Mystery Google?' and it said 'That is the site you are on.'

Its fun...am going to try and see what else it responds to:)

alien colours.

Hmm.. I'm trying to decide what colour to paint my nails. Was thinking of blue but heh...my mum.

"Thivya, are you trying to look like an alien?"

But seriously, I think I'll buy some nail polish when I go out tomorrow cause my mum has such BORING colours....bleh....that's what you get when you're a mom of three.

Wish those were my nails:)

New Moon Countdown: 2 days....wohoo!


Ever think there was someone inside you waiting to come out? Someone good in what they do, someone maybe even great? Someone who you'd like to be. You know they're just waiting to come out.

Someone who can say it was a good day. A great day.

Yea...that would be awesome if that person could come out exactly when you needed them:)


I wonder what I'll be like in another 10 years, 20 years and so on. Time seems to be flying. Soon, I'll be sitting for my SPM and then I'll be off to college.

Whoa...its like time has forgotten to give me time to take a deep breath.

Time waits for no man...heh...yea I know, I know.

I just can't do it. I can't imagine myself as a 25 year-old....

Monday, November 23, 2009


I know quite a number of people who would like to fly...I'm one of them:)

It would be nice to fly...heh...really nice:) Whats that thing people always say, "Sometimes people leave to know how much the things and people they are leaving behind mean to them." or something like that....

It would be nice to fly. It would be wonderful.

prawns and a fan girl.

Heh...in Stone Grill. This was the only picture Crystal was willing to take. And she's smiling:) That girl...hates the camera.

Twas lots of fun. Spent forever in the restaurant. Staff were looking at us A LOT. I was the fastest to finish my food=P I'm not sure why I'm so happy bout that...

New Moon countdown: 3 days till inner fan girl is satisfied


If I had a choice between being an angel, a pixie, a fairy, a gnome or a goblin I would definitely choose angel.

Helping people would be awesome:)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

prayed to a god i want to believe in.

When a heart breaks, no it don't break even

Can't stop listening to Break Even by The Script:)

Went to City Square with Sarah, Crystal, Aqilah and Sivanes on Friday. It was lots of fun=)

We walked to CS with backpacks Hehe...felt like a European backpacker. Wanted to watch a movie, but the line was so freaking long! So we just had lunch and took lots of pictures. Too lazy to upload them.

Going to watch New Moon with Aqilah on Thursday. Can't wait:)


Christian Serratos (from Twilight) posed nude for Peta.

I seriously do not understand how posing suggestively butt naked helps raise awareness about the wrongness(yes its a word! My word) of wearing real fur.

Wow...exploiting women to stop the exploitation of animals. Smart. Why didn't I think of it? Please note my sarcasm.

If they really want to raise awareness, for the sake of all that's good and holy TALK about it. God gave us mouths right? Damn it! Its not right, this whole posing nude to stop fur use. Really? Come on people, we can do better.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

the best things in life are not free.

If the best things in life were free, then they wouldn't be the best things anymore. Everything worth having, never comes easy cause that's what life is all about. I feel that anything worth having has a price. I'm not talking in terms of money but things like sacrifice, determination, courage and other things.

If the best things in life are free, we would take it for granted. To know the how much something is worth, we have to work hard for it and know that that something can slip away.

To people saying that only material things have a price, that is NOT true. People don't just fall in love. It takes sacrifice, determination, consideration etc to make it last. You don't just end up having someone's trust. It has to EARNED. To get an education, it involves pushing yourself and working hard.

~Something worth having never comes easy~

Things that matter.

Thats just what I think.